Live Poker Strategy

With a winning online poker strategy, anything in the game is possible. In case you’ve wondered just what micro stakes poker is, just think about it this way. Let’s say you want to go online and play poker, but your experience is still somewhat limited, and you want to restrict your losses. You might think about looking through the very cheapest games online and finding the value prices. You have found micro stakes poker, and there is a distinct online poker strategy for winning this type of game.

  1. 2/5 Live Poker Strategy
  2. Live Poker Tournament Strategy

Online poker has changed immensely over the years – from the good ol’ Party Poker days to the introduction of speed variants like Zoom. To help you stay on top of your game, I organized this collection of online poker hands and concepts. In no particular order, these articles and videos will give you the strategy you need to patch your.

As a general rule, you want to check-raise the Button's continuation bet with some very strong hands and some lower equity draws (backdoor draws, gutshots with overcards, etc) so that your check-raising range is somewhat polarized. You can typically check-call with medium strength hands and draws. Live poker strategy is often focused on tells, which can generally be categorized as either being unconscious or conscious. Unconscious tells are given off by players without realizing it and can manifest themselves in body language, sounds they make or things they say, or nervous twitches. Live poker is the most traditional form of the game. Whether you visit Atlantic City, Las.

Online poker strategy

Players talk about “micro stakes” when they discuss poker games that have the very lowest buy-ins. National League of Poker hosts $1 Fast Cash games all day long that players can enter using only 10 tokens that they can get for free.

Benefits of Micro Stakes Poker


This is a great place to play your first online poker games for actual cash. They don’t cost you much, and the action is always real. Obviously, there are some limits to the experience, but let’s take a look at some of the advantages.

Low cost. The tiny buy-ins are the draw. If you do not have a lot of disposable income for learning online poker strategy, then this is a great place to start.

Low competition level. The pros do not dabble in these games, so you should be safe for the most part. Learn the game here, particularly the online ins and outs, along with your skills at poker.

Small bankroll. Want to play for a few hours? NLOP starts our players off with lots of free tokens and ways to win more in the game and on social media.

Mtt live poker strategyLive Poker Strategy

Disadvantages of Micro Stakes Poker

Online poker strategy

With the good, there does come some bad. That’s why the best players in the world do not come into these rooms.

Low competition level. Wait, what? That’s right, bad players may make winning easier over time, but they also make things unpredictable. Expect random calls and a bunch of wacky bets.

Small victories. You wanted micro stakes, right? If you are not risking much, you are not going to win much.

Should You Play Micro Stakes Poker?

Do you want to learn to play poker and hone your online poker strategy? Then you should start here. When you choose micro stakes, you can take a seat at the $1 tables and face actual competition.

There is still real money on the table, which means that online poker strategy is important to everyone playing. This is where you can learn the tricks that you will need to advance to the upper levels of poker.

The Best Sites for Micro Stakes Poker

Looking for the sites to work on your online poker strategy? National League of Poker currently offers the best micro stakes poker games, in terms of the levels of action at micro stakes tables, the most traffic (even outside peak hours), and the number of choices of poker games at micro stakes.

2/5 Live Poker Strategy


Live Poker Tournament Strategy
