Ignition Client Launcher

Recent (8.0.10+) versions of the launcher installers have the ability to install the client launchers for all users on Windows, which resolves a lot of the headaches; see the Download and Installsection. This eliminates a lot of the headaches. WitmanJuly 6, 2020, 7:43pm #3. The client launcher can take advantage of a redundant Gateway setup. Whenever a connection is established with a master Gateway, the backup Gateway IP address is automatically stored in the client launcher configuration file.

  1. Vision Client Launcher Download
  2. Ignition Vision Client Launcher

Vision Client Launcher Download

[00:00] Ignition's client login screen can be modified in a couple of ways, namely, the username, password and login text, and the information up at the top left corner of the screen. To do this, we're going to go into our Designer, and into the Project, Properties screen, and, under Client, Login, you can see, here's all the information that we can fill in. Now, for my Welcome message, I can say something like, 'Welcome to the best project you've ever seen'. I can grab some Welcome image from our Image Library. I'm going to go into our Builtin, and then to Icons, to our 48 by 48, and grab one of these pictures, here. For my Username Text, I'm going to change it to, 'Enter your Username'. And the same for the password. And 'Click to Login'. In addition to that, I will show the locale selector, which means that if you have any different locale set-up, you can choose many different languages. And now that I have all that, I'm going to hit Okay, and I'm going to Save my project. And if I open up a new client, here, then it will take me into the new login screen. And there we are. Our new image, the new text, including the html that we've pasted in there, and the new information on your username, password and login button.


Ignition Vision Client Launcher

[00:00] Launching a Vision Client, is done using the Vision Client Launcher. You can download and install the Vision Client Launcher from your Gateway Homepage. You'll notice that I'm currently here on the Gateway Homepage, and in the middle of the page on the left hand side there is a button to download the Vision Client Launcher. When you click on that button the system automatically detects which operating system you are using, and provides you with a button to download that version of the Vision Client Launcher. Of course over on the right hand side, I can also download other versions for other operating systems as well. I'm going to go ahead and click on the Download for Windows button, to download the Client Launcher installer, and then I'm going to run that application. We are greeted with a Setup Wizard, which asks us if we want to create a desktop shortcut, and then allows us to install the Vision Client Launcher. When it's done installing, we can click on the Finish button to automatically launch the Vision Client Launcher. When you first open the Vision Client Launcher, it may automatically find your gateway for you. Clicking Yes will allow you to add Vision Clients from that gateway, to launch from this launcher. In this case, you simply need to click to select which Vision Clients you want to add, and then click on the Add Applications button in the upper right hand corner. You'll notice it is now added each of those Vision Clients to my Vision Client Launcher, and it allows me to launch them by clicking on the Launch Windowed button. If I wanted to launch additional clients from my Vision Client Launcher, I simply need to click on the Add Applications button in the upper right hand corner. On this screen, you're allowed to select which gateway you want those clients to come from. It can be the same gateway that we were looking at previously, or it can be a new gateway. If the system can't find a gateway on the network, you can also manually enter in a gateway by clicking on the Manually Add Gateway button in the upper right hand corner. After you select a gateway that you want to add Vision Clients from, you click on the Add Selected Gateway button down in the lower right hand corner, and then click to select which projects you want to add from that particular gateway. Again, clicking the Add Applications button in the upper right hand corner, to add those clients to your launcher. If you click on the Menu button, in the upper right hand corner of any of the clients, and then select the Manage option, it takes you to a screen where you can manage some properties of that individual client. Things like providing a fallback application, or providing overrides for any client tags that the project might have. In the upper right hand corner, there is also a Settings button, which allows you to enter in settings for the Vision Client Launcher as a whole. These settings are similar to the Designer Launcher, in that you can setup a default application that you want to launch when you first open the Vision Client Launcher, and you can tell the launcher to automatically exit when you launch a client. You can also export and import launcher and application configurations, using the buttons on the right.