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Bitcoin Core 0.21.0

Imagine a scientist reading about an experimental result and thenrepeating the experiment for herself. Doing so allows her to trustthe result without having to trust the original scientists.

Bitcoin Core checks each block of transactions it receives to ensurethat everything in that block is fully valid—allowing it to trust theblock without trusting the miner who created it.

This prevents miners from tricking Bitcoin Core users into acceptingblocks that violate the 21 million bitcoin limit or which break otherimportant rules.

Users of other wallets don’t get this level of security, so miners cantrick them into accepting fabricated transactions or hijacked block chains.

Why take that risk if you don’t have to? Bitcoin Core providesthe best possible security against dishonest miners alongwith additional security against other easier attacks (see belowfor details).

How Validation Protects Your Bitcoins

andput your bitcoins atincreased risk of being stolen. That risk may be acceptable for smallvalues of bitcoin on mobile wallets, but is it what you want for yourreal wallet?

Breadwallet Download

Click any row below for more details about that attack

AttackBank WalletSPV WalletBitcoin Core
Direct theft

Alice deposits 100 bitcoins to The next day, theowners of the site disappear with Alice’s money.

  • Bitcoin bank users are vulnerable to direct theft becausethey don’t control their own private keys.

  • Lightweight (SPV) wallet users and BitcoinCore users are not vulnerable because they control theirown private keys.

Direct theft is likely the leading cause of stolen bitcoins so far.

Real Example

Bitcoin exchange Mt Gox reportedly had 650,000 bitcoins (worth $347million USD) stolen from their customer deposits and their own operatingfunds. They declared bankruptcy on 28 February 2014.

Even when the bankruptcy proceeding is complete, customers are unlikely torecover more than a small fraction of the bitcoins they had on deposit.

Learn More:Collapse of MtGox

Bait and switch

Alice installs Example Wallet, whose open source code has beenaudited. The next day, the authors of Example Wallet push new code toAlice’s device and steal all her bitcoins.

  • Bitcoin bank users are vulnerable because they can onlyspend their bitcoins when they use the bank’s approved software.

  • Lightweight (SPV) wallet users are vulnerable withmost software because auditors can’t easily verify the software yourun (the executable) is the same as the program source code, called adeterministic build. However, some lightweight wallets are moving todeterministic builds.

  • Bitcoin Core is built deterministically. Cryptographicsignatures from build auditors—many of whom are well known to thecommunity—are released publicly.’s Choose Your Wallet page tells you whether or notwallet builds are audited in the Transparency score for each wallet.

Real Example

In April 2013, the OzCoin mining pool was hacked. The thief stole 923bitcoins (worth $135,000 USD), but online wallet StrongCoin modifiedtheir wallet code to ‘steal back’ 569 of those bitcoins ($83,000)from one of their users who was suspected of the theft.

Although this attack was done with good intentions, it illustratedthat the operators of StrongCoin could steal bitcoins from their usersat any time even though the users supposedly controlled their ownprivate keys.

Learn More:OzCoin Hacked, Stolen Funds Seized and Returned by StrongCoin

Fabricated transactions

Mallory creates a transaction giving Alice 1,000 bitcoins, so Alicegives Mallory some cash. Later Alice discovers the transaction Mallorycreated was fake.

  • Bitcoin bank users depend on the information reported by thebank, so they can easily be fooled into accepting fabricatedtransactions.

  • Lightweight (SPV) wallet users depend on full nodes andminers to validate transactions for them. It costs nothing fordishonest full nodes to send unconfirmed fabricated transactions to anSPV wallet. Getting one or more confirmations of those fabricatedtransactions is also possible with help from a dishonest miner.

  • Bitcoin Core users don’t have to worry about fabricatedtransactions because Bitcoin Core validates every transaction beforedisplaying it.

Currently the best defense against fabricated transactions, besidesusing Bitcoin Core, is to wait for as many confirmations as possible.

Real Example

On 4 August 2015, web wallet began indicating that atransaction had spent the earliest mined 250 bitcoins, coins that somepeople believed were owned by Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto.

It was soon discovered that the transaction was invalid. BlockChain.infowas not validating transactions with Bitcoin Core and that transactionhad been created by a security researcher.

Learn more:BitcoinJ documentation about pending transactionsafety

Chain hijacking

Alice believes that there should never be more than 21 millionbitcoins—but one day she’s tricked into buying “bitcoins” thatare only valid on a block chain with permanent 10% inflation.

  • Bitcoin bank users have to use whatever block chain thebank uses. Banks can even profit from switching their users to a newchain and selling their users’ bitcoins from the old chain.

  • Lightweight (SPV) wallet users accept the block chainthey know about with the most proof of work. This lets the hash ratemajority of miners force SPV wallet users off of Bitcoin.

  • Bitcoin Core users don’t have to worry about chainhijacking because Bitcoin Core validates every block using all ofBitcoin’s consensus rules.

Preventing chain hijacking is one of Bitcoin Core’s most important jobs.The alternative is to allow miners to do whatever they want.

Real Example

In July 2015, several large Bitcoin miners accidentally produced aninvalid block chain several blocks longer than the correct block chain.Some bank wallets and many SPV wallets accepted this longer chain,putting their users’ bitcoins at risk.

Recent versions of Bitcoin Core never accepted any of the blocks fromthe invalid chain and never put any bitcoins at risk.

It is believed that the miners at fault controlled more than 50% of thenetwork hash rate, so they could have continued to fool SPV walletsindefinitely. It was only their desire to remain compatible withBitcoin Core users that forced them to abandon over $37,500 USD worth ofmining income.

Learn more:July 2015 chain forks

Transaction withholding

Mallory shows Alice $1,000 USD that he will pay her if she sends him somebitcoins. Alice sends the bitcoins but the transaction never seems toconfirm. After waiting a long time, Alice returns Mallory’s cash. Itturns out the transaction did confirm, so Alice gave away her bitcoinsfor nothing.

  • Bitcoin bank users only see the transactions the bankchoose to show them.

  • Lightweight (SPV) wallets users only see thetransactions their full node peers choose to send them, even if thosetransactions were included in a block the SPV wallet knows about.

  • Bitcoin Core users see all transactions included inreceived blocks. If Bitcoin Core hasn’t received a block for too long,it displays a catching-up progress bar in the graphical userinterface or a warning message in the CLI/API userinterface.

Unless you use Bitcoin Core, you can never be sure that your bitcoin balanceis correct according to the block chain.

Real Example

In March 2015, spy nodes run by the company Chainalysis accidentallyprevented some users of the lightweight BreadWallet from connecting tohonest nodes. Since the spy nodes didn’t relay transactions, BreadWalletusers stopped receiving notification of new transactions.

Learn more:Chainalysis CEO Denies ‘Sybil Attack’ on Bitcoin’s Network

Chain rewrites

Mallory gives Alice 1,000 bitcoins. When Alice’s wallet says thetransaction is confirmed, Alice gives Mallory some cash. Later Alicediscovers that Mallory has managed to steal back the bitcoins.

This attack applies to all Bitcoin wallets.

The attack works because powerful miners have the ability to rewrite theblock chain and replace their own transactions, allowing them to takeback previous payments.

The cost of this attack depends on the percentage of total network hashrate the attacking miner controls. The more centralized mining becomes,the less expensive the attack for a powerful miner.

Real Example

In September 2013, someone used centralized mining pool tosteal an estimated 1,000 bitcoins (worth $124,000 USD) from the gamblingsite BetCoin.

The attacker would spend bitcoins to make a bet. If he won, he wouldconfirm the transaction. If he lost, he would create a transactionreturning the bitcoins to himself and confirm that, invalidating thetransaction that lost the bet.

By doing so, he gained bitcoins from his winning bets without losingbitcoins on his losing bets.

Although this attack was performed on unconfirmed transactions, theattacker had enough hash rate (about 30%) to have profited fromattacking transactions with one, two, or even more confirmations.

Learn more:GHash.IO and double-spending against BetCoinDice

Note that although all programs—including Bitcoin Core—arevulnerable to chain rewrites, Bitcoin provides a defense mechanism: themore confirmations your transactions have, the safer you are. There isno known decentralized defense better than that.

Breadwallet Download

Help Protect Decentralization

The bitcoin currency only works when people accept bitcoins in exchangefor other valuable things. That means it’s the people acceptingbitcoins who give it value and who get to decide how Bitcoin should work.

When you accept bitcoins, you have the power to enforce Bitcoin’s rules,such as preventing confiscation of any person’s bitcoins without accessto that person’s private keys.

Unfortunately, many users outsource their enforcement power. Thisleaves Bitcoin’s decentralization in a weakened state where a handful ofminers can collude with a handful of banks and free services to changeBitcoin’s rules for all those non-verifying users who outsourced their power.

Users of Bitcoin banks
Trust bankers
Users of P2P lightweight wallets
Trust miners
Users of client lightweight wallets
Trust “free” services
Users of Bitcoin Core
Enforce the rules

Unlike other wallets, Bitcoin Core does enforce the rules—soif the miners and banks change the rules for their non-verifyingusers, those users will be unable to pay full validation Bitcoin Coreusers like you.

As long as there are many non-verifying users who want to be able topay Bitcoin Core users, miners and others know they can’t effectivelychange Bitcoin’s rules.

But what if not enough non-verifying users care about paying BitcoinCore users? Then it becomes easy for miners and banks to take control ofBitcoin, likely bringing to an end this 12 year experimentin decentralized currency.

If you think Bitcoin should remain decentralized, the best thing youcan do is validate every payment you receive using your own personalfull node such as Bitcoin Core.

We don’t know how many full validation users and business are needed,but it’s possible that for each person or business who validates theirown transactions, Bitcoin can remain decentralized even if there are tenor a hundred other non-verifying users. If this is the case, yoursmall contribution can have a large impact towards keeping Bitcoindecentralized.

Do You Validate Your Transactions?

Some people confuse supporting the network withhelping to protect Bitcoin’s decentralization.

To improve your security and helpprotect decentralization, you must use a wallet that fully validatesreceived transactions. There are three ways to do that with BitcoinCore right now:

  1. Use the built-in wallet’s graphical mode. If you request paymentusing the following screen in Bitcoin Core, your receivedtransactions will be fully validated.

  2. Use Bitcoin Core as a trusted peer for certain lightweightwallets. Learn more on the user interface page. If you use a secure connection to your personaltrusted peer every time you use the wallet, your receivedtransactions will be fully validated.

  3. Use the built-in wallet’s CLI/API interface. This is meant forpower users, businesses, and programmers. The user interface page provides an overview, the installationinstructions can help you get started, andthe RPCdocumentation can help you find specificcommands. If you’re using getnewaddress tocreate receiving addresses, your received transactions will be fullyvalidated.

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If you have any questions, please ask on the forums orchatrooms.

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Bitcoin banks and exchanges are organizations that control your bitcoins on your behalf similar to the way traditional banks control your fiat deposits on your behalf.

Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) wallets are lightweight wallets that can verify whether or not a transaction is part of a block without downloading the 340 GB block chain. However, they cannot verify whether or not the transaction is actually valid. (Only full validation nodes like Bitcoin Core can do that.)

Honest miners who only create blocks with valid transactions currently receive a 6.25 bitcoin subsidy. Dishonest miners who create blocks with invalid transactions don’t receive that subsidy, but they might still attempt to trick SPV wallets if they can steal more bitcoins than they would make honestly (or steal any amount of bitcoins from people they don’t like).